Merchandise management system: Keep an overview of your goods with Xentral

A platform for your company's flow of goods

Smooth processes within the company are the basic prerequisite for mastering the challenges of our time. An optimized flow of goods within the company represents a decisive competitive advantage. Transparent goods movements and automated processes provide more time to concentrate on the important things. To leverage this potential, merchandise management systems are indispensable nowadays.

Inventory management - what is it?

Merchandise management takes care of the administration of your material goods in the company. It ensures that your goods are always available in the right quantity and quality, in the right place at the right time and at the lowest possible cost.
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An enterprise resource planning system (ERP) is a software solution that maps, analyzes and controls the flow of goods in a company. With such a system, you can track your inventory and digitally map goods movements in your business processes. This gives you a complete overview of the flow of goods: from procurement to storage to shipping.
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Goals and advantages of merchandise management systems

The main objective of merchandise management systems is to guarantee transparent and smooth processes, to provide the required goods in an orderly manner and to ensure that your customers are completely satisfied. Digital and automated business processes ensure that everything runs smoothly and give your company a decisive competitive advantage.

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Structured master data maintenance - our customers are leading the way

From Excel chaos to convenient master data maintenance: Thanks to Xentral, Oatsome has managed to process four times the amount of orders per month and, at the same time, the great pain of maintaining master data for all suppliers and products is now also a thing of the past.
Illustration for Structured master data maintenance - our customers are leading the way
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Procurement of goods

The merchandise management system supports your company's procurement processes and ensures that goods are provided economically and in line with demand.

Warehouse management

A warehouse management system ensures that you maintain an overview of your stock. Manage goods movements such as receipts and issues and monitor the stocks of your items.

Sales of goods

Supporting functions and interfaces

Provision of an inventory management system

Introduction of a merchandise management system - You should pay attention to this

The introduction of an ERP system promises transparent and smooth goods movements. Expectations are therefore very high. There are a few things you should bear in mind to ensure the successful introduction of a new system.

#1 Good preparation is the be-all and end-all

As with all major decisions, good preparation is the basic prerequisite for the successful implementation of an ERP system. Clarify your own requirements at the beginning and create a specification sheet. This regulates the minimum requirements that the new system must fulfill. Good time planning is also essential, as implementation takes some time and your processes still need to continue to run smoothly.
Illustration for #1 Good preparation is the be-all and end-all

#2 Plan for the future

Optimizing your flow of goods is an important part of your company and will help you enormously. However, bear in mind that there are also other business processes that need to be automated for an optimal workflow. When choosing a system, make sure it has a sufficiently wide range of functions. Consider whether an ERP system might be a better option for you in the long term.
Illustration for #2 Plan for the future

#3 Test different systems

All the good preparation won't help you if you don't take enough time to test different providers. Nowadays, many manufacturers offer free testing opportunities to put the system through its paces. Take advantage of these opportunities and get your employees on board. Because only if they get to grips with the system will it develop its full potential.
Illustration for #3 Test different systems

Difference between ERP and inventory management system

The terms ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and WaWi (Enterprise Resource Planning) are often used interchangeably. However, a decisive difference lies in the functional scope of these systems. While an ERP system focuses on the planning, management and control of goods flows in a company, an ERP system covers the planning and management of all resources in a company. This includes personnel and finances, for example. ERP and ERP systems can no longer be clearly differentiated from one another, as modern ERP systems cover more and more classic ERP areas such as controlling and production. However, it is worth taking a closer look at ERP systems in order to manage your company holistically and map all business processes centrally.
Illustration for Difference between ERP and inventory management system

The business software from Xentral offers you these advantages

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    One platform for everything

    Xentral ensures optimal workflows in all areas of your company and is the central hub. Automate and optimize your business processes holistically.
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    One relief for everyone

    Simple, streamlined processes and intuitive software operation take the pressure off you and your employees. Free up your time and take care of the important things: your customers.
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    One system for the future

    The flexible cloud solution is expandable and offers extensive interfaces to respond to individual challenges. There are no limits to your growth.