Shop Apotheke Marketplace Integration

Automate your sales on Shop Apotheke Marketplace

The Shop Apotheke Marketplace Xentral integration automates your entire sales process by importing orders, synchronizing stock and prices, and exporting invoices, tracking details, and order updates – all within Xentral.
Powered by Xentral Connect.
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    See what’s selling

    Importing sales orders into Xentral ensures all order details are in one place, eliminating manual entry and reducing errors.
  • produktion add on

    Know your inventory

    Automatic stock and price syncing keeps your inventory accurate and up-to-date, so you can avoid overselling or stockouts.
  • Keep everyone informed

    Export tracking details, order statuses, and invoices automatically, ensuring customers and marketplaces always have the latest updates.
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Simplify your Mirakl processes

Automate your marketplace workflow

The Mirakl-Xentral integration imports orders, updates stock and prices, and handles tracking, cancellations, and invoice exports – automatically and hassle-free.
Shop Apotheke Marketplace Integration explained

Additional Benefits

Product information

Product information is automatically transferred via CSV files, ensuring your article base data in Xentral is always accurate and up-to-date. This seamless transfer helps you manage and sync your product details without manual input, simplifying marketplace integration.

Stock & Price Syncing

Keep your stock levels and prices accurate across all channels. The integration automatically updates this information in Xentral, so you can avoid errors and ensure consistency between your inventory and Mirakl.

Sales Order Import

Automatically import sales orders from Mirakl into Xentral, including all necessary details like customer information, products, and quantities. This streamlines your order processing, saving you time and reducing mistakes.

Tracking & Order Status Export

Export tracking information and order status updates from Xentral to Mirakl. This ensures your customers and marketplaces always have the latest information, improving communication and reducing manual work.


Easily manage order cancellations with automatic status updates from Xentral to Mirakl. This ensures that both your team and the marketplace are always on the same page regarding any changes or cancellations.

Invoice Export

Automatically export invoice documents from Xentral to Mirakl. This feature ensures that your invoicing process is streamlined, reducing administrative work and keeping everything in sync.


Setting up the Shop Apotheke Marketplace Integration

From requesting your access token to fully setting up the Shop Apotheke integration in Xentral – follow our step-by-step guide to ensure all key features work seamlessly. Find detailed instructions in our dedicated help center article.
Shop Apotheke Marktplatz Integration Installationsguide

Sell on the Shop Apotheke Marktplatz

Sell throughout Europe

Join one of the largest and most successful health marketplaces in Europe - the Shop Apotheke marketplace. Until every human has their health: Become part of a future-oriented platform that is more than just a marketplace and take advantage of the opportunity to sell in Germany, Austria, Italy and Belgium.
Illustration for Sell throughout Europe

The right health-related category for your products

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    Nutrition & supplements

    Vitamins, nutrients, weight loss, organic food & drinks
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    Medical supplies

    Everyday aids, incontinence, diabetes, health, mobility
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    Beauty & Care

    (Dermatological) skin care, face & body, premium beauty
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    Pet supplies

    Care & hygiene, pet food, insect repellent
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    Baby & Family

    Fertility, pregnancy, children's health
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    Drugstore & Household

    Household appliances, cleaning products, hygiene articles
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    Sports & Fitness

    Sports nutrients, sports injuries, fitness equipment, sports clothing & accessories
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    Love & partnership, glasses & contact lenses

Frequently asked questions

How does the stock synchronization work between Xentral and Shop Apotheke Marketplace?

Xentral automatically syncs stock levels and prices with Shop Apotheke Marketplace. This means any changes you make in Xentral are reflected instantly on the marketplace, helping to avoid errors from manual updates.

How do I integrate Shop Apotheke Marketplace with Xentral?

To integrate Shop Apotheke Marketplace, simply contact the marketplace to request an access token. Once you receive the token, paste it into the appropriate section in the Xentral interface to complete the integration. This process works seamlessly, and you don’t need to interact directly with Mirakl.

Can I export invoices from Xentral to Shop Apotheke?

Yes, invoices are automatically exported from Xentral to Shop Apotheke, ensuring your financial processes are aligned with the marketplace’s requirements.

Are order cancellations and status changes supported in the integration?

Yes, Xentral exports order status changes and cancellations to Shop Apotheke, keeping both platforms synchronized in real-time.

Can I handle sales orders automatically from Shop Apotheke Marketplace in Xentral?

Yes, sales orders are automatically imported into Xentral, where you can manage them seamlessly within your workflows. This automation reduces manual entry and errors in processing orders.

Can I automatically update product information on Shop Apotheke Marketplace from Xentral?

Yes, Xentral automates the transfer of product data (such as article information) to Shop Apotheke Marketplace using a CSV file export. This ensures your product listings are always current without manual updates.